Blurry and Bizarre: The Bigfoot's Biggest Secret!

Blurry and Bizarre: The Bigfoot's Biggest Secret!

A quick Google search (or DuckDuckGo for the privacy-minded) for "The Bigfoot" and you'll encounter a bunch of familiar pictures. It's a series of photos featuring blurry shot after blurry shot of a dark silhouette of a human-like figure in the woods.

Why is it always such a grainy, low-quality photo? Were cameras really that bad back in the day? Of course not! Is The Bigfoot so fast that he only appears as a blur? The footprint evidence would suggest not. And now with the ubiquity of professional-camera-equipped smartphones and hiking never having been more in vogue, why don't we have a clear picture of this fee-fi-fo-fum-footed creature yet? Unless you don't think that The Bigfoot is real. Along with the Moon Landing, 9/11, and The Holocaust...

Well, there's actually quite a simple (and highly technical and scientific) explanation for that. The Bigfoot emits electromagnetic radiation.

Let me give you a parallel example. Have you ever watched the live broadcast of a rocket being launched into space? And have you ever wondered why the video feed cuts out for a few seconds right at the moment the rocket leaves the ground? Well, that is a similar phenomenon, and there's a great video providing the whole explanation for a recent SpaceX rocket landing. In summary: vibrations. The unsteady thrust from the engines emits such a high frequency vibration and acoustic response that it interferes with the video antenna feed, and the broadcast cuts out.

Now imagine your amateur phone or polaroid camera and what similar electromagnetic radiation may do to affect your photo-taking abilities.

The Bigfoot is already known to emit electromagnetic radiation as a defense mechanism and as a predatory advantage, by which is will numb the senses of their prey or of human threats. It is suspected that The Bigfoot evolved a gland which amplifies neural impulses--electrical current, which generates an electromagnetic signal--and that through some rudimentary psychic ability it enacts this defense mechanism. But there are just as many people out there who think that The Bigfoot is an alien and shoots tourists' cameras with a ray gun. We'd really need an autopsy to know for sure.

There are still more unanswered questions, like with any good urban myth. Including, why does only the silhouette of the Bigfoot ever appear, in black with no color or detail? And there are some theories, such as the one that The Bigfoot's hair acts as some sort of electromagnetic "metamaterial" which bends or absorbs the light and leaves just a gap there where a face might be. Eyewitness accounts describe The Bigfoot in extraordinary detail, so we know that he isn't just a black silhouette of a man. But alas, this theory is still just that: a theory.

What are your thoughts on this revelation concerning the cliche of the "Blurry Bigfoot Photo"? Do you have any strange encounters of your own to share? Do you think The Bigfoot is a man or a woman?
